Divorce mediation – best for you and your children

Divorce mediation has been growing in popularity in the UK over the last 10 years. This is partly because it’s a relatively cheap and amicable way to end a marriage, but also because the government has been promoting it as an alternative to the more costly and stressful process of settling differences in court.

Categorised as Divorce

Get a divorce financial settlement that works for you

A good divorce financial settlement is one of the key requirements when a couple decide to separate and end their marriage. Together with child arrangements, it’s often the most difficult to get right and needs to be handled carefully with each partner prepared to be reasonable and ready to reach an agreement that is both… Continue reading Get a divorce financial settlement that works for you

Categorised as Divorce

Representing yourself in court – the pros and cons

Representing yourself in court may seem like a good idea if you are concerned about legal costs but it may turn out be a false economy and cause a lot of stress. It pays to look at all the pros and cons before going ahead.

Categorised as Litigation